It will take a substantial amount of time and effort to make the shift from Magento 1 to Magento 2. In light of the considerable changes between the Magento 2 and Magento 1 systems, it is not possible to upgrade the Magento 2 shop. Magento, on the other hand, has characteristics that make the process a piece of cake to complete. During the presentation, you will learn how to make the transfer from Magento 1 to Magento 2. We can provide aid with Magento development services from the beginning of the migration procedure to the end of the process.
What information does the migration tool fail to transfer?
The transfer of store data from Magento 1 to Magento 2 is a critical component of the migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2. One method of doing this is by the use of Magento’s official data migration tool.
Not all data will be moved, for example:
- Individual data fields from the points described above (products, categories,…) are not communicated, for example, product information is not transmitted for products. It is necessary to do a thorough examination in this area to verify that everything is transmitted as intended. The issue tracker alerts you to potential issues.
- Layout updates in XML format that are kept on product or category pages and are used to make layout alterations that are particular to the product or category in question.
- Administration Users and Privileges Credentials for the Web API Media File Credentials
- Various data sources, including third-party and custom extensions
Ensure that the transition from Magento 1 to Magento 2 takes place with the least amount of downtime possible
As a result, the data migration tool is equipped with a feature known as delta mode. Accordingly, the following procedures should be followed, and the shop should be closed for as short a period of time as is reasonably practicable:
The Magento 1 store continues to operate as normal, accepting new clients, orders, and so on.
The Magento 2 store will also go online at the same time, although it is not yet open to the public for purchases.
The movement of data has begun.
The settings and prior mobile store data (items, categories, customers, orders, and so on) are transferred using the first two instructions of the migration tool. For bigger stores, this might take a considerable amount of time.
Customers may still access the M1 business, which is still located on Main Street. New orders are being received.
Examination of the transferred data
The dealer and his service providers inspect the M2 shop to ensure that everything functions as intended.
Changes to customers, orders, items, and other information are now sent from the M1 store to the M2 shop at regular intervals, allowing for a more seamless transition between the two shops.
Conversion to the Magento 2 shopping cart system
In the M2 store, if everything is in its proper place, the maintenance page may now be accessed from the M1 shop. The last orders are being received, and the final data processing is being completed.
The shop is only temporarily unavailable at this time.
Delta mode is a feature that transmits the most recent modifications made in the M1 store and may be turned off.
Customer access to the M2 shop is currently being improved by modifying the setup. The use of automatic data processing (cron jobs) has been enabled.
Magento 2 has been installed to run the store.
Create data migration configurations for your own and 3rd-party extensions.
There are still a few things that need to be performed before we can go to the next step.
Because of this, the data migration tool can only transfer standard data created by the Magento standard itself when the factory setup is used.
You must specify what should happen to each database table and field when data created by your own adaptations or extensions from third-party manufacturers are imported.
Please let us know if we can be of assistance with the transfer of your files. Magento development company Boston can help you with the transition of your Magento 1 shop to a new Magento 2 platform.
Lisa has a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication Arts. She is an experienced blogger who enjoys researching interesting facts, ideas, products, and other compelling concepts. In addition to writing, she likes photography and Photoshop.