Love and relationships have by far changed a lot in what they used to mean in our evolution with time. We have, either intentionally or without any such intent of it; given love a rather materialistic and mechanistic view, very different from what it’s really supposed to be and that is something beyond conditions or even beyond our logically guided intellects. Spiritualists, philosophers and modern scientists alike have come to the same conclusions over and over again that, Love is the highest form of energy one can feel; it is emitted through each and every being in the universe and is perhaps the only catch that’s holding the entire thing all together. If the day comes when all of us suddenly stop loving each other, loving our families or stop caring for our friends and start living lives driven with hatred and greed; then that my friends would definitely be the last day of humanity.
We simply Love being loved. Even though science has come to understand what Love does to us biologically, to our bodies and minds; it really hasn’t and probably will never understand its way. However, we all seem to know its Love when we feel it. So in this article, I have tried to sum up some of the most interesting, scientifically proven, facts about relationships in our time. It consists intriguing stuff about what love actually does to us, and what is it that we really mean when we say, ‘’I felt the rush of love for the first time.’’
10. Surge of Dopamine/Norepinephrine
According to Researcher Helen Fisher, who has pretty much spent her entire academic life in pursuit of the mystery train of what’s really going on in the brains of the deeply and madly type lovers; Brain is the organ for love, not the heart, that’s right. Brain areas associated with dopamine and nor epinephrine production, light up as soon as these people focus on the object of their affection, this gets them blinded and high just like someone who’s taken a hit of cocaine. No wonder people in love write heart touching songs, extravagant poems, cross continents just for a hug or a kiss and can even die for each other with all that ecstasy in their brains. Love gives them this bestowed focus and stamina to achieve anything they want without feeling any pain or sense of obstacles.
9. Love tastes like Chocolate
According to the same research done by Dr. Fisher, being head over heels in love for someone is like being addicted especially to chocolate. Chocolates are something that fascinates every human being and our taste buds and there hardly is anyone who would hate them. Going through a bad break-up is like kicking a bad-drug-habit or more like not eating that particular brand of chocolate anymore. Falling in love for the first time is more like eating your first ever chocolate-piece.
8. Love and Marriage
Long term relationships on the other hand depend on a lot of factors for ensured stability and happiness with zero compromise according to many scientific research programs. Ted Houston, interested in studying what happens throughout long-term relationships, came up with one finding over a lifetime of research that, couples that idealize one another lead to a happier marriage. Both genders are believed to be happy in their marriage if they feel they have influence over their spouse and are satisfied with their sex lives, you probably would have guessed that even without Houston’s years of research.
7. Oxytocin – the Commitment Neuro-Modulator
Better known as the commitment neuro-modulator, Oxytocin is that chemical which helps to reinforce bonding or attachment in mammals. Anyone in love will have surges of Oxytocin flowing through their brain like anything; as everything they do, even the smallest of things will trigger their brain’s reward centre giving them all kinds of pleasure with much assurance and no hassle whatsoever. It’s like they come up with a romanticized view of the world.
6. Low Levels of Serotonin
Low levels of Serotonin in the mind can cause anyone to go through OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). This chemical makes us feel like it’s the end of the world if our loved one despises us, it is also one of the main causes of people spiraling down to depression just due to a simple rejection from someone they either admired or were infatuated to. People drenched in Love seem to have very low levels of Serotonin.
5. Brain Chemicals promote Fidelity
Scientists nowadays explore the brain activity of people who report being ‘’in love’’ using a technique called the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). The fMRI results of someone in love are found to be strikingly similar to the results of someone under intoxication of either cocaine, or any other wonder drug. However, while in love, these chemicals that are excreted in the mind of a person through triggers of different sorts believe to promote fidelity between couples and help sustain long term relationships.
4. Official Announcement: Love makes us Crazy
As being in love causes the serotonin levels in our brain to drop, it may lead people to either obsess about their lovers or be overtly possessive and protective. It also ramps up the production of the stress hormone cortisol, resulting in slightly high blood pressure and loss of sleep. According to a new study, it has been found that when people look at their loved ones, the neural circuits that are the basis of social judgment in our brains are suppressed. All in all, love leaves us obsessed, stressed and blind and we still seem to love it undeniably.
3 Blushing, what primates prefer
Blushing is crucial and possibly the best strategy when it comes to the dating game, according to our researchers. They believe that blushing is something that happens naturally in case of attraction and sends out a good signal to your date, and a message of good health. Scientists at Stirling University in Great Britain have found that primates prefer mates with red faces. So, a rosy glow might also act as a similar cue in humans.
2. Why broken hearts hurt
It is proven now through a new study that psychological hurt of a break up can get as real as physical pain or injury. When dealing with social pain or discomfort such as being dumped, two areas of the brain that respond to physical pain also activate. Researchers believe that this pain of social rejection may have evolved as a motivating force that led humans to seek social interaction and acceptance.
1 Listen Up
A new study has shown that, what might sound like a seductive voice to us may be linked to a person with a bit of past. At a research done at the University of Albany, 150 men and women were asked to rate the attractiveness of certain recorded audios from a scale of 1 to 10. The researchers had also gathered enough information about the participant’s sexual histories. They found out that the voices that were more appealing to men/women alike belonged to people who had sex at an early age, had more partners and were prone to infidelity.
Final Conclusion: Well these are certain facts about what love does to our brain and the SHOULDs and SHOULD NOTs we should bear in mind while we’re in love or are planning to fall for someone. Although Science has understood a bit of the story, it will never understand what love does to us, and more over how and why it does, what it does. That is why love should be cherished above all, as it is the one thing that probably no one has ever understood but still can’t get enough of.
Nikhil is musician by choice, writer by profession. Currently, studying Bachelors in Hospitality.
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