Papua New Guinea
We all know the image of screaming, blood-red burned humans being cooked on a cauldron with a huge open fire underneath. Surrounded by local tribesmen with outfits that don’t leave anything to the imagination. The sound of synchronically pounding sticks on the hot earthy ground to call the gods. Meanwhile humming a tribe’s song to honor the chieftain.
Yup, we are talking about cannibalism, the art of people eating people for cultural purposes. This extreme diet is predominantly practiced in the Austrasia areas. Centered around Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Micronesia. Allegedly in Papua New Guinea, it was practiced till 2012. Today people believe this activity is extinct, or at least that is what they want us to believe. The only active living link left with cannibalism is probably the numerous slots games.
Many slot games are based on cannibals for example; Cannibal Slot. With the majority of these slot games, you can accumulate bonus codes, which subsequently can be wagered at the bonus codes casino. The more people you eat the more potential bonuses you might get. The resemblance with the real events is quite striking. The more subjects were devoured the better financial status a man-eater gained.
You got to love the creativeness of the developers of these games. It is a challenge to find a topic that hasn’t been used for slots games. Though entertainment takes away the graveness of the to-be-eaten threat and leads us to think it doesn’t exist anymore, we wouldn’t recommend wandering off in the dense, scarce populated, unknown jungle of Papua New Guinea where chieftains still rule and hold fast on their cultural inheritance…
North Sentinel
Whereas cannibals are believed to be nonexistent. The Sentinelese are still very much alive and kicking. This small island, part of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal and governed by India is inhabited by the most isolated tribe in the world.
Hospitality is an unknown concept for these islanders. They simply do not allow any human other than the tribe to set foot on the island. Even the fisherman can’t approach closer than 3 nautical miles.
A report states that a fisherman with broken sails drifted too closer to the island and was found dead the next day. Murdered by the Sentinelese.
Over the years there have been many attempts to meet these violent folk. Time after time they were aggressively refused.
India has declared the island as a tribal reserve completely off-limits for any outsider. The people of Sentinel survive from hunting, eating mollusks, and agriculture. According to the records, they have been living remotely without any influence from outside for over 55000 years.
Unlike their other Andaman counterparts, they are in perfect health. Presumably thanks to their isolated lifestyle. Suppose they would agree, being exposed to the wide world, won’t be very intelligent. Their immune system won’t be up to date with the latest diseases, to name one of many disadvantages. That been told, mentioning Corona won’t ring any bell for on the island.
The population of the entire island is estimated at around 50 to 150 persons. Because of lack of contact and the 3 miles restriction, it is hard to come by the demographics or any other specifics for that matter. All the info described is solely from observation just outside the 3 nautical mile restriction. Even the best binocular will have a hard time witnessing habits. If your life is dear to you then we suggest don’t attempt to go there.
Snake island
Let’s zoom in on the other side of the world now. We are going to Brazil, 25 miles off the South East coast, to be more precise. We can find Ilha de Queimada Grande. Locals don’t dare to walk there. Well, actually they did and everyone that set foot on the island shortly after died.
The lighthouse on the island is automated because the three last appointed lighthouse keepers all died. Hence the Brazilian government declared it illegal to visit.
One of the world’s most lethal serpents; the golden lancehead, a pit vipers’ species, are the bringers of evil. These small, up to half a meter in size venomous snakes can literally melt your skin with their painful bite. The fast-spreading poison causes intestinal and brain bleeding and a critical shutdown of the muscles. Resulting in death within the hour.
Because they have no natural predators on the uninhabited island, they grew notoriously large in numbers. The total amount of golden lancehead slithering snakes is a whopping 4000. This translates into 5 extremely life-threatening reptiles a square meter.
If far away remote uninhabited islands with wildlife is your thing, please choose another one!
The Marshall islands
Formerly occupied by the united states during world war two and since 1986 proclaimed as an independent state. This group of islands is located in the middle of the Pacific.
Bikini and Enewetak are the most famous atolls. The reason for fame is a sad one, unfortunately. After the Hiroshima bomb of 1946, the US decided to do some more testing with atomic bombs. They built and tested them on these remote locations.
Researchers have measured the radioactivity on the two atolls later on and found out that they had 100 to 1000 times more radioactivity than Fukushima and even Chernobyl. The operation was covered up and left behind. The residents were transferred to another atoll named Kili. 684 kilometers further South East.
In contrast with Bikini and Enewetak, Kili didn’t have a protective lagoon. Therefore, fishing and sailing weren’t an option for 6 months a year. There were few other means of food and starvation kicked in.
The attempt to remigrate to bikini failed miserably. People residing thereafter in the nuclear testing had severe contamination levels. If they survived, they were transferred back to Kili.
Despite their unfortunate history, both atolls are popular dive destinations. The underwater world benefited due to the absence of fishermen. An abundance of sharks can be found.
An interesting scuba experience can be found here, just don’t stay too long.
Lisa has a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication Arts. She is an experienced blogger who enjoys researching interesting facts, ideas, products, and other compelling concepts. In addition to writing, she likes photography and Photoshop.