Top 10 Inspiring and creative 3D Painting Arts

Pedestrians in the cities and towns throughout the world usually encounter a patch of sidewalk or paved surface decorated with amazingly beautiful 3D paintings. And Although this form of art is newfangled to most countries, 3D painting art has a long tradition in Europe and is believed to have originated in Italy during 16th century. Many creative 3D Painting Artists have created many awe-inspiring artworks in the pavements and walls providing amazingly illusionary 3D effects.

For your information, 3D Painting Arts is the unique form of art which is drawn on rough surfaces creating illusions of objects in 3D form. It consists of chalking, painting or drawing a horizontal surface from one standpoint. When the finished artwork is viewed from certain angle, it appears three dimensional. And these days, almost everything can be created with 3D painting techniques. It’s very cool and real and always catches all passers-by attentions.

Here’s the list of 10 stunning, and inspiring 3D painting arts that depict the creativity of various talented artists from around the globe. As we continue to be astounded and fascinated by this amazingly creative form of anamorphic art, it’s definitely essential to put together some of the highly appreciated piece of works as well. The selections are entirely made based on the scale, creativity, ambition and attention gathered.

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10. Special Delivery by Melanie Stimmell

Special Delivery by Melanie Stimmell

In June 2011 in Milton Keynes, Melanie Stimmell created “Special Delivery”. It was created for FringeMk Festival. Stimmell was the only artist from United States who was called for showcasing her incredible renaissance-inspired imagery in the festival. Being known as one of the master 3D painting artists, Stimmell is the only woman ever to hold the first position in Italy and Germany. Besides, she has worked with her clients in various countries like Holland, Canada, Netherlands Antilles, Turkey, France, and throughout the United States.

9. Anti-AIDS Campaign by Manfred Stader

 Anti-AIDS Campaign by Manfred Stader

This awesome ‘Anti-AIDS Campaign’ was the creation of Manfred Stader in Oslo during the campaign against HIV/AIDS. Manfred is a Norwegian artist and she created interactive 3D illusion in this piece. This campaign was conducted with the support of Norwegian Crown Princess Metti-Maru.  The Crown Princess herself works as a special envoy for the AIDS project conducted by United Nations.

8. Ice Abyss by Edgar Muller

Ice Abyss by Edgar Muller

Ice Abyss is another master piece of renowned German 3D Painter Edgar Muller. Edgar painted this piece of art for the Festival of World Culture held in the August of 2008. No doubt “Ice Abyss” is an absolutely breathtaking 3D street painting continuing his successful series of amazing 3D street arts. It’s amazing illusion by Edgar and he has transformed a huge slice of East Pier into the dramatic Ice Age scene. Everyone visiting this place felt the visceral urge to walk this icy abyss.

7. Wunderful Life by Street Advertising Services

Wunderful Life by Street Advertising Services

“Wunderful Life” is created by Street Advertising Services (SAS). This piece of art was created by the team at SAS in wall-and-floor piece measured 100 square meters in London. However it’s unusual to use aerosol paint for 3D street art, ‘The Wunderful Life’ is regarded to be the first photo-realistic 3D decoration in the world.

6. Lego Terracotta Army by Planet Street Painting

BRITAIN - Lego Street Art

Popular ‘Planet Street Painting’, a group of artists from Netherlands, created an epic 3D art painting titled ‘Lego Terracotta Army’ for the Sarasota Chalk Festival in November 2011. Deservedly, this piece piece won the best 3D piece of the festival. Anyone would wonder how one could create such a remarkable 3D drawing simply with chalk on a street? The inspiration of this artwork is the Terracotta Army of China. Planet Street Painting team has introduced a fresh twist by making use of Lego mini-figures as a substitute to Chinese statues. They were actually inspired by the iconic image of the 8000 strong Chinese terracotta army first discovered in 1974.

5. Santas Grotto by Julian Beever

 Santas Grotto by Julian Beever 3d paintings

With his awe-inspiring piece called ‘Santas Grotto’, veteran 3D street painter and one of the most popular artists of his kind, Julian Beever made a fantastic and surprising late appearance in December of 2011. Julian took 4 days to create this amazing piece in chalk. There’s a Santa warming his hands before a cheery fire. You can see a couple of reindeer waiting for the sleigh to be loaded up, and the location being a high street in Surrey–just astonishing life-like chalk drawing! Making use of anamorphia, Julian Beever created this inspiring 3D street art.

4. Phoenix by Edgar Muller

Phoenix 3d paintings art

Titled “Phoenix” by artist himself, this piece of art will undoubtedly leave you breathless. Edgar Muller, one of the most popular, front ranking, and hugely creative 3D painting artists, created this amazing picture in Michigan in August 2011 for the City Art Gallery. Phoenix drew an overwhelming mass of people over a week who posed for photographs with ‘Phoenix’. Like Phoenix, Edgar has created a number of incredible 3D arts including highly appreciated piece ‘Visit Britain’.

3. Reebook Crossfit by 3D Joe and Max

 Reebook Crossfit by 3D Joe and Max

‘Reebook Crossfit’, another stunning and very inspiring piece painted at the London Docklands for Reebok Crossfit, was created by duo Joe and Max—amazingly talented and uniquely creative 3D painting artists. ‘Reebook Crossfit’ took a whole week to create and was 106.5 meter long. This amazing piece of art by Joe and Max broke the World Guinness Record for being the ‘longest anamorphic art’. But, the record only stood for a month, as on December 6th 2011, the Chinese artist Qi Xinghua just broke the record, once again.

2. Macao’s One Impression by Qi Xinghua

Macao's One Impression 3d paintings art

Qi Xinghua’s ‘Macao’s One Impression’ was able to break the record in China. His picture was 120 meter long and was created to jollify the second anniversary of the Central Shopping Center in Macau. Well, after 2010, it’s the second time that Xinghua’s art has held the world record for this piece being ‘the longest anamorphic art’. Qi Xinghua is popular for his first Guinness world record holder piece named ‘Lions Gate Gorge’ for the ‘largest anamorphic art’ in 2010. In ‘Lions Gate Gorge’, he has used a technique popularized by Kurt Wenner, one of the pioneer 3D painting artists from America.

1. The Flying Carpet by Kurt Wenner

The Flying Carpet

“The Flying Carpet” by Kurt Wenner, the number one 3D Painting Artist of present day, as believed by many. We rarely share chalk pieces but we ought to—there’s some talented artists out there! Kurt has been creating the most impressive anamorphic works of art since several years. He has been a NASA scientific illustrator for years. And now, he’s involved in crafting amazing 3D painting arts. If you go through his arts, chances are you may end up putting all his pieces in the top 10 list of 3D painting arts, if not exaggerated. Having said this, I didn’t mean that works by other artists fade away. But once you see Kurt’s works, you are sure to get mesmerized.  Kurt has been crafting meticulous public illusions for the past 30 years. His works with unique style have hugely been appreciated all over the world.


Although 3D Digital Art is hitting the market, painting has the attraction and vitality of its own. With its growing exposure, 3D Painting Arts is getting popular every single day. There have been a number of talented 3D Painting artists who’ve largely contributed to make this form of visual art a real cup of tea for everyone. Having seen this quite increasing interest and exciting engagement in 3D arts as in the last ten years, it’s almost sure that it’s gonna get heavy mass attention in the days to come as well, and obviously more than ever before. As we see the ongoing trend, 3D paintings have been used not only to entertain or beguile but have also used to promote and advertise popular brands and products. With this increasing demand for 3D painting arts, there’s a huge responsibility added on 3D artists to cater to these changing needs by creating more creative 3D painting arts than ever before. With above mentioned inspiring pieces of 3D paintings, let’s hope that the bests are yet to come. I know, there are largely creative artists out there (many on the rise), crafting their pieces to offer this world the best ever. I wish all 3D artists luck in their future creations.