Top 10 Political Conspiracies

Conspiracy theories create lively conversations and debates.  There are many sides to a story, and these political myths are always around to inform, or at least, to entertain. Political conspiracies are never proven for a fact. There are many documentaries and movies on the death of politicians and the conspiracies around them. There are lots … Read more

10 Countries Known For Spying On Their Citizens

Spying is uncalled for in some countries. However, there are places in the world where it’s almost a natural thing, although the government is not open to admitting it. Here is a list of countries with strong evidence that they’re spying on their people. 10. New Zealand Though this information is quite surprising, the government of New Zealand spies … Read more

Top 10 Countries Engaged With Ongoing Wars and Armed Conflicts


Wars are never the best solution to conflicts. But they do happen and in fact, are still occurring at certain parts of the world. The different countries with on-going armed conflicts are listed below. Individuals scheduled for a trip to these places are forewarned. 10. Palestine Latest Casualty Count: 2,204 The Palestinian conflict with Israel … Read more

Top 10 Countries with Solid Disaster Management System


Disaster comes when least expected. In many countries around the world, disasters are treated as part of their nation’s existence. As such, they focus greatly on mitigating the risks involved with every disaster so that in the event that they do arise, the government is more than ready to handle the situation. Here are the … Read more