Top 10 celebrity marriages that turned into divorce

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

Celebrity divorce is common vogue. Undoubtedly, the relationship starts with a great comfort, creating triumph and contentment. Later, it verges to dreadful ending creating a shattered dream of thousands of fans into contemplate wish, that will hardly become true.  Surprisingly, celebrity marriages are noticed by million of fans. The break-ups have a way of jolting the fans. … Read more

Top 10 adventure movies for kids.

E.T the Extra- Terrestrial (1982)

There’s no past-time like watching a good movie and there are no good movies like adventure movies. Adventure is worthwhile in itself and adventure movies are where things that don’t and probably won’t happen in real life take place. Adventures make life interesting and kids love adventure because for them, adventure is their dreams and … Read more

Top 10 characters from The Harry Potter

Draco Lucius Malfoy Harry Potter

J.K. Rowling created a world we all craved for. We all have secretly waited for an owl to arrive at our doorsteps with an acceptance letter addressed to us from Hogwarts. Harry Potter is not a folk tale or a fable and also not just a set of children books. It is rather, a set … Read more

Top 10 famous musicians who died at earlier age

Buddy Holly died at early age

The Music, the thing that expresses the inexpressible, has certainly passed through hectic developments and revolutions. The musical world itself has seen many legendary stars in its course. There have been such musicians, who’ve given music a distinct recognition and influenced its identity leaving their mark forever. They have gifted us the music, never to … Read more

Top 10 Christmas Light decoration around the world

Christmas Lights

As every year, the Christmas Holidays are fast approaching this year too. And very soon, the most unique Christmas decorations will start to come out. We can see several varieties of Christmas Displays out there. Some are classy, and some are plain tacky as well. But some other displays are incredible enough to inspire everyone to … Read more

Top 10 Fairy Tale Monsters

Sphinx fairy tales monoster

Does it scare you when you think something (like a MONSTER) is under your bed at night? What if one is in the closet? It undoubtedly leaves threatening remarks on your head, whether a child or an adult. Fairy Tale monsters featured on this list involve 10 mythical antagonists that have been told and retold … Read more

Top 10 truths about Marijuana

truth weed

It’s a drug that kills you, makes you crazy, dumb and gives you all sorts of cancers are just one of the few speculations and evaluations of the herb, Marijuana. These speculations do not however, come from a detailed scientific experiment or even from anyone who confirmed such experience after the use of it; rather … Read more